Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cigarette and Smoking Facts

  1. The first users of Tobacco were thought to have been the Mayan civilizations of Central America. But tobaccos were in America from 6000BC.
  2. Initially they were used for smoking and chewing also.
  3. Rodrigo de Jerez became the first European smoker in history( 1493 AD ) And he was also the world's first victim of the anti-smoking lobby!
  4. Sir John Hawkins: brought the cigars to England.
  5. Sir Walter Raleigh: popularized it in the Queen Elizabeth’s Court. (In 1552-1618)
  6. First paper rolled cigarette were found in around 1832 by Egyptian soldiers during Turkish- Egyptian war
  7. 1856 First cigarette factory opened. It was in Walworth, England, and owned by Robert Golag, a veteran of the Crimean War.
  8. 1858 Fears about the effects on smoking on health first raised in The Lancet.
  9. Mrs. Richard Benson and William Hedges open a tobacconist shop near Philip Morris in London.
  10. 1970 Broadcast ads for cigarettes are banned in America.
  11. 1992 Nicotine patches introduced.
  12. And to till date, many countries have banned the smoking in public or enclosed public places.
  13. Lower intelligence has been related to smoking.
  14. One puff lowers the temperature in the fingertips 1ºF to 3ºF in 3 minutes.
  15. There is a direct link between parents' smoking and children's respiratory disease.
  16. Maternal smoking has been linked to asthma in infants and young children.
  17. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemical compounds, including 60 that can cause cancer.
  18. 100,000 doctors stop smoking every year.
  19. Cigarette smoke collects with lint and is known to gum up delicate mechanisms such as aircraft controls.
  20. Smokers have difficulty running and exercising.
  21. Smoking destroys vitamins, particularly vitamin C and the B's.
  22. Smoking has also been shown to increase the risk of osteoporosis.
  23. At least 40 of the chemicals in tobacco smoke are proven to cause cancers of the lung, throat, mouth, bladder and kidneys and the smoke also causes a number of other cancers.
  24. The nicotine in cigarette smoke also acts as a stimulant, increasing the heart rate and blood pressure, and decreasing the flow of blood through the blood vessels.
  25. Two-thirds of cigarette smokes are not inhaled by the smoker, it goes into the surrounding air.
  26. Smoking is directly related to fat level in our body!
  27. 2 to 4 cigarettes smoked continuously would increase blood fats 200 to 400%.
  28. One who smokes will not be physically or mentally able to cope with life's challenges.
  29. When a pregnant lady smokes, baby’s weighs less and its pulse would be 30% faster than a non-smoker's baby.
  30. Premature birth has been related to smoking habits of pregnant mother.
  31. Children's respiratory disease are directly linked to Parents smoking habits
  32. Air pollution (auto exhausts, industry wastes, etc.) increases the lung cancer rate of the smoker, but not of the non-smoker.
  33. The smoker is sick more often, explaining why he misses an average of 7½ working days per year, usually with a loss of pay, while the non-smoker will miss only 4½ days.
  34. The overall bad health of the smoker results, on average, of about 12 to 14 minutes per cigarette.
  35. The smoker's body requires more sleep every night
  36. Foods will taste much better to non-smokers.
  37. If u are not smoking for 12 months Your increased risk of dying from heart disease is half that of a continuing smoker. And for not smoking for 12 hrs, all the Nicotine contents comes out of your body.
  38. Smoking has been related to brain damage and premature senility.

In short, "Smoking is injurious to Health"

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Compromise is death any way --> Some one like me